Friday, April 13, 2012

Vancouver baby!!

I am just coasting along in the wake of the employed person. She has important business in Canada. Travel was, as it almost always is, an all day ordeal but here we are at our hotel overlooking the scenic and somewhat artlessly yclept Coal Harbour.Blogger spell check does not approve of the "u" in Harbour, but it is Canada after all.

I can see the famous Stanley Park out the window, there on the left. Wrong on your first guess, it is not the bit with the house, that's privately held Deadman Island (another naming disaster). The park is the wooded bit behind the houses. I have located the bicycle rental places and some riding may occur.

Here's a look out the window at the mountains next to the Salt Lake City Airport, our two hour stopover on the way out of the country.I don't feel as viciously jet lagged as I usually do after international flights, it is beginning to seem just barely possible that a good time will be had by all.

1 comment:

Santini said...

You used yclept in a sentence, and comment on putting a "u" in harbour? How droll.

To name, or to call by name. As in, the miller was yclept Richard.

The harbor is beautiful. (The airport in SLC less so.)

Have fun.